In a heartwarming story just in time for the holiday season, our parish priest managed to inspire a group of over 20 young people to sing at the Family Mass on Christmas Eve 9 days before the event.
Father Rene, our parish priest, was told that the original plan was for recorded music to be played during the 6:30 pm Family Christmas Mass. However, he had a sudden idea to round up some young people to learn some Christmas songs and sing during the service.
Despite initial skepticism, Father Rene managed to convince a member of his office staff to help round up some young people to learn the songs. He then personally taught them the music and encouraged them to practice regularly.
Even though the practice sessions weren't always easy, with some difficulties in learning the music and Father Rene being away for the last few days of practice, the group of young singers persevered. On Christmas Eve, they surprised everyone with a beautiful performance that included not just the two songs they had initially learned, but also a whole new set of Mass settings and additional Christmas songs.
The parishioners who attended the Christmas Family Mass were thrilled with the performance and praised the hard work and dedication of the young singers. Father Rene himself was overjoyed with the outcome and said, "It's a gift for the newborn baby in the crib of the Nativity Scene, and it's a real gift for our parish community."
This inspiring story serves as a reminder that all things are possible if we come together with a common purpose and put our hearts into it specially if we come together with Christ as the reason for our being.